Elevation Student Ministries (6th-12th)


Join Us Sundays at 10:30AM
37 Glymont Road,  Indian Head, MD 20640

Elevation Student Ministries (6th-12th)

Welcome to our youth ministry. We want our middle schoolers and high schoolers to love, worship, and enjoy God through a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. By fostering Bible study and incorporating students into the life of the church, we make disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community, gospel-centered service and gospel-centered multiplication.


Every Sunday morning at 9:00am and every Sunday evening at 6:00pm (Engage), both meet in the church chapel.


We treat the baptism of children with special care and want to help parents walk through the process with their children. If your child expresses interest in baptism, please set up an interview with our elders so we can help you determine next steps.